Speakers Bureau

Parenting Workshops
Our staff can come to your church or school and present workshops on "Grace Filled Parenting," a 45 minute guide to raising healthy, happy responsible children.
Choose Age Category for Workshop:
- Infant to age 3 years old
- Early Childhood: ages 3 to 5 years old
- Elementary age child: ages 6 to 9 years old
- Middle school age child: ages 10 to 12 years old
- High School age adolescents: ages 13 to 17 years old
- Go to the contact us tab. We will respond to you within one business day.
Marriage Enrichment
Our staff can present an 8 week series on marriage enrichment, small group sessions, at your church, designed by using Gary Chapman's book: Love Languages for Couples and other resources. ;
Small groups consist of 10 couples only. Go to the contact us tab. We will respond to you within one business day.